Buckingham Park Primary School

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Thank you for taking the time to consider our school for your child. We warmly welcome visits and tours; please contact the school office to arrange a convenient time: office@buckinghampark.co.uk 

For more information about the admissions process, please visit the West Sussex Admissions page: www.westsussex.gov.uk/admissions

West Sussex Admissions can be contacted using the following details:

Pupil Admissions
Bridge House
Barrington Road
BN12 4SE
Telephone: 033 301 42903
Email: admissions.south@westsussex.gov.uk

We are very happy to support you through the admissions process; please do not hesiatate to contact our school office: office@buckinghampark.co.uk 

To read our Admissions Policy, click here.

Reception Admission Arrangements

We have one intake each year, at the start of the Autumn term. Reception pupils are normally admitted to school in the September following their 4th birthday. Prospective parents are most welcome to make an appointment to look around our school or to attend our visiting sessions in October/November. There is an expectation that all pupils will begin full time in the September term.  If you have any concerns or would like your child to attend part-time for a while please speak to the Headteacher.

Parents are usually asked to complete preference forms in the autumn of the year before the child starts school. Parents are encouraged to apply on-line and if we can help you with this please don't hesitate to contact us at the school. Places are allocated in the late spring / early summer term – we have a maximum intake of 90 children. Following this stage, some parents choose to appeal if their choices have not been met.

Further information about EYFS

Preliminary Visits

Once we know our exact intake, we begin the process of ensuring every child’s entry into school is happy and relaxed. In the Summer term before the September start, parents come to visit the school to find out more about how we work and ask any questions they might still have. This meeting also gives parents the opportunity to meet and talk with the Reception class teacher and other support staff. Soon after, children are invited to visit the Reception class for short visits. During the summer term, just before starting school, each child is visited at their pre- school setting by our Reception class staff. Sessions are also arranged for children to come into school to borrow a book to further familiarise them with the environment.

Admissions into Year 1 to Year 6

Parents of older children moving into the area are welcome to make an appointment to visit the school and to discuss admission with the office manager. As with entry into Reception, all applications for places are dealt with by the Pupil Admissions Office, Centenary House, Durrington Lane, Worthing
Phone: 033 301 42903
Email: admissions@westsussex.gov.uk

SEND School Places

Applying for a place for children with special educational needs and disabilities.

Most children with special educational needs or disabilities attend a mainstream school. West Sussex County Council will arrange school places for children with special educational needs earlier in the year than other pupils, so they can take account of your preference and your child's particular needs.

Help line number for advice 0330 222 8555 or email send.ias@westsussex.gov.uk

The West Sussex SEND Information, Advice and Support Service provides impartial information, advice and support to parents and carers of children who have special educational needs and/ or a disability. The service aims to encourage partnership between parents, their child’s school, social care, the Local Authority, health and other agencies. Their service is available for any parent whose child has or may be identified as having special educational needs and/or a disability.

  • If your child has an Educational Health and Care plan (EHC) or Statement of SEN you will be contacted by West Sussex Special Needs Assessment Team, SENAT, who are responsible for making placements. Parents can express a preference for the school they would like their child to attend.
  • If your child does not have an EHC plan or Statement of SEN or if your child is in the process of an Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment, you should apply online with your mainstream school preferences.
  • By week 16 of the assessment process, we will decide whether an EHC Plan will be made. If a draft EHC Plan is issued, the Special Educational Needs Assessment Team will liaise with you about your preferences. You can then ask them to consider a place at a special school or a special support centre.
  • To find a special school or education centre, you can search for details of a particular school, education centre, unit or college here.

Transport to School

Transport matters for children attending this school are dealt with by the Transport Coordination Group, The Grange, Tower Street, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1RH.

Telephone: 01243 777946