At Buckingham Park Primary School, we are proud to be members of our school community and we want all our children to feel part of it and to represent our school. Wearing the school uniform helps them to do this.
Children are required to wear uniform which consists of:
- Jumper: royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan with the school logo
- Top: pale blue short sleeved polo shirt (without logo)
- Trousers/skirt/pinafore/shorts: black
- Summer dress: pale blue/white check
- Shoes: black shoes (no heels)
- Black, white or grey socks/tights (footless tights and leggings are not permitted)
- PE: children should wear a navy blue t-shirt and black shorts and black tracksuit bottoms and sweatshirt for outdoor/winter lessons, trainers or plimsolls.
Other essential items: Your child will also need a book bag (EYFS and Key Stage 1 only), a PE bag, a hat in the summer and a water bottle. Children throughout the school will also need a pair of wellington boots as we go outside to play in wet weather.
All uniform can be purchased from the school office and some items may be purchased via the link below:
We usually have items of uniform in good condition that have been donated by families when they are no longer required and can let you know when these are available.
To reduce lost property, please clearly mark all clothing, bags, bottles, etc with your child’s full name so that found items can be returned to their rightful owner. There is a lost property box in the school's main entrance.
For safety and hygiene reasons, hair shoulder length or longer should be tied back from the face.
Extremes of fashion are not acceptable and hair should be of natural colour.
Hair should be cut no shorter than a number 2.
Jewellery & Make-up
No jewellery should be worn at school, unless it is for religious reasons.
If children have pierced ears, only small studs should be worn; not other types of earrings are permitted for safety reasons.
Earrings should be removed for PE lessons; however, if this is not possible, children will be given tape to cover the earring.
Watches must not have games, activities or camera functions on them, or must be switched off.
Religious Requirements & Race Equality
We follow local authority advice in such matters. Sikhs are traditionally required to wear a bangle and boys to cover their hair, which is left uncut, secured in a topknot or turban. Where safety is an issue, pupils will be asked to tape bangles to the skin or wear a sweatband. Muslim girls may wear the hijab, which should be black or blue.