Buckingham Park Primary School

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Religious Education   

At Buckingham Park Primary School, we teach the main six religions - Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Judaism - alongside observing religious festivals and special days throughout the year, e.g. Easter, Diwali, Rosh Hashanah and Ramadan.

Our RE curriculum helps our children develop their spiritual, moral, social, cultural and personal development and well-being. It supports them in finding out who they are and what they, and others, believe in. Our teaching and behaviours are rooted in mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs. We promote the core British value that 'other people having different faiths or beliefs to oneself (or having none) should be accepted and tolerated, and should not be the cause of prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour.’

We follow the RE syllabus provided by West Sussex County Council and alongside this, we plan using ‘Discovery RE’; an enquiry based approach to the teaching and learning of Religious Education.

Within our whole school planning, children will have many opportunities to visit places of worship as well as receiving visits in school from representatives of different faiths to enhance their knowledge and widen their experiences.


re long term map 2.pdf