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What to do if you have a concern

The head teacher and other staff at Buckingham Park Primary School are always happy to hear your views, comments, questions and concerns. This way, we can avoid problems escalating into something more serious.

All schools are required to have a complaints procedure in place.

If a parent /carer has a complaint, they should firstly follow the steps outlined within the policy’s informal stage .

  • Parents / carers should feel free to raise their concerns with the class teacher or other appropriate member of staff either in person, by telephone or in writing.
  • We are committed to responding as quickly as possible to any issues raised. We will listen to parents’ concerns and seek to reach a speedy and satisfactory resolution.
  • If, after attempting to resolve the issue informally, a complainant remains dissatisfied with the outcome they will be provided with information about the school’s formal complaints procedure, available on request.

Please follow this link to see a copy of the school's Complaints Policy 

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