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Remote Education

We have created our Remote Learning  page to support parents/carers to access appropriate learning activities from home, in the event of families self-isolating or having to go into quarantine. 

It is intended to support the learning in class and suggested work will be uploaded for each year group on a weekly basis. In the event of a year group bubble being closed and pupils being sent home, remote learning resources, pre-recorded lessons, learning timetables will  be accessible. This will ensure that children are given the opportunity to continue learning remotely, at home.

Children in Reception will access remote learning through DB Learning via the school website. Children in  Years 1 to 6 will use Google Classroom.

Google Classroom

Expectations for Parents, Children and Teachers

Teachers will:

  • upload a minimum of four-hours learning each day for KS2; three-hours minimum for KS1
  • mirror, as is reasonably possible, the learning taking place in-class
  • provide daily marking/feedback on at least one piece of learning each day for each child
  • offer a daily five-minute ‘live’ Google Meet to their own class, to enable children both at home and school to see each other (for children’s mental health and well-being)
  • provide weekly Big Maths ‘Click’ tutorials (pre-recorded or live), three times per week
  • use White Rose Maths / Classroom Secrets for Maths, not Oak Academy
  • use Babcock Spelling / Sir Linkalot resources, a minimum of three times each week
  • offer Story Sessions in EYFS / KS1, live or pre-recorded, twice weekly

While learning remotely, children will:

  • check their Google Classroom everyday
  • follow instructions carefully, ensuring they understand the activity before completing it
  • understand that it is their responsibility to communicate with the class teacher if they do not understand the learning
  • complete the assigned work to the best of their ability
  • manage their time effectively to ensure all work is completed
  • not attempt to contact their class teacher via video call
  • always be honest, kind and respectful when using Google Classroom
  • always communicate in a sensible and courteous manner
  • be aware and mindful of how they can stay safe online
  • report any inappropriate behaviour to their class teacher
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