Children have the option of bringing a packed lunch to school or having a hot school meal. All meals are eaten in the school hall and the studio.
Hot lunches
Steamplicity meals, including a vegetarian option, are provided by Chartwells and are prepared daily in our kitchen. Steamplicity is a unique technology, which steam cooks fresh food in minutes - locking in all the flavour and nutrients.
Hot meals cost £2.33 per day and must be pre-paid prior to the ordering cut-off date for the week that they are required.
Please pop into the office to collect a current menu.
All children in Reception, Y1 and Y2 will be entitled to a free school meal. Older children are entitled to free school meals if their parents, carers or guardians receive any of the following:
- Income support
- Income based job seekers allowance
- Income related employment and support allowance
- Guaranteed pension credit
- Child Tax Credit, but not Working Tax Credit, and an annual income lower than the limit set by the Government
- Working Tax Credit Run On because you have ceased work or reduced your working hours to less than 16 per week
Regardless of your child's age or even if they take packed lunch to school it is important to let us know if you are in receipt of any of the benefits listed above – this is so we can receive additional funding (called the pupil premium) which we can use to help your child.
You can download a copy of the form you will need from
If you have any general questions about free school meals, please ask us at the Office or send an email.
Packed Lunches
Alternatively, children may bring a packed lunch. This should be provided in a secure, named container.
A drink should also be provided in a non-breakable container. Packed lunches are eaten in the studio and the main hall. Sweets, chocolate and fizzy drinks are not allowed –instead, we encourage lots of fruit, vegetables and water. Please do not include nuts in your child's packed lunch as some children have nut allergies.
We try to reduce the waste we create in school, so prefer it if you use re-usable containers for food, rather than lots of packaging.
It is a good idea to include an ice pack in the summer months to keep the food cool.
Follow this link for ideas for healthy packed lunches
Milk and Fruit
Every child is entitled to FREE school milk until their fifth birthday.
If your child is over five they are still entitled to subsidised milk.
We register all children under five for free milk when they start school. If your child is unable to drink dairy milk please let us know.
When your child reaches their fifth birthday they will no longer be entitled to free milk, however you can register them to continue to receive milk that is subsidised.
You can register your child by visiting the website
For telephone enquiries please call 0800 142 2972
Children in Reception and Key Stage 1 receive a piece of fruit or vegetable or raisins each day.This is funded by the government.