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Buckingham Park PTA

The PTA team is a group of parents and staff who help to organise fundraising activities for our school community.  The aim is to use the funds raised to provide ‘extras’ for the school. On an annual basis, they pay for a theatre group or pantomime to visit the school and pay for the Year 6 children to have a final social event before they move to secondary school. The majority of funds raised are used to develop the school outdoor play spaces. In recent years the PTA have purchased scooter boards for the children to use on the playground, new welly racks so the children have easy access to welly boots in the wet weather as well as a special cover for the pond so it can be safely accessed throughout the day. 

In the summer and autumn term every sunny Friday is 'Ice cream Friday' where we sell ice creams and ice lollies at the front of the school. This is an easy way to raise funds and is loved by everyone. 

What does being a member of the PTA mean?

All parents automatically become members of the PTA when their child joins the school. It is not a ready made organisation, as its success depends entirely on your support. There are many ways in which you could be involved, depending on how much time and/or energy you are able to spare.

Fundraising Events

Our main fundraiser of the year is the Summer Fair– which takes place on a Friday afternoon towards the end of June. 

Other events throughout the year can include Bingo nights, quiz nights, beetle drives, raffles, home clothes days, jumble sales and cake sales.

If you have ideas for any other events, please speak to Madeleine Voice who is the PTA chairperson or Lou Jones in the main office, alternatively you are welcome to come along to our next meeting. You can keep up to date with events on our Facebook page. 





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