Special Educational Needs
Enabling all children to make the best progress they can academically, emotionally and socially is at the heart of SEN and inclusion at Buckingham Park Primary.
We actively seek to remove barriers to learning. Our school caters for children with a wide range of learning differences, such as dyslexia, autistic spectrum disorders, speech, language and communication needs, emotional and social needs and physical disabilities.
Our teachers and teaching assistants receive regular training to ensure that classroom teaching is inclusive for every child.
Working in partnership with parents is a key element to SEN provision at Buckingham Park Primary. We involve parents in the setting of individual targets for children who require support and those with a statement level.
We believe that children have the best opportunity to achieve their personal potential when parents , carers and school staff work together to support them.
The school special educational needs (SEN) Co-ordinator (SENCo) is Miss Kelly Douglas. If you have any queries regarding SEN provision for you child please contact her via the main school office 01273 453515.
For information about applying for a place for children with special educational needs and disabilities see our admissions page.