Partnership with Parents
There are many ways in which the school works in partnership with parents. Parents are invited to come into school throughout the year to celebrate the children's learning and to help in class. The help we receive from parents and grandparents is invaluable and is much appreciated by staff; it also shows the value parents place on children’s learning and the children benefit from this.
Parents and grandparents can help in many different ways, including:
- Sharing skills and interests e.g. talking about jobs, previous experiences or sharing etc
- Listening to children read
- Playing games with children
- Accompanying children on educational visits
- Making costumes for productions
Parents interested in helping in school, and who have the necessary free time, should speak to a member of the office staff. Everyone helping in school or on school trips is checked by the Disclosure and Barring Service in line with child protection guidelines.
Consultations and Reports
There are regular opportunities to meet with class teachers and be kept informed about children’s progress. These may be informally via homework diaries or formally at the Parents’ Consultation Meetings held twice a year, usually in October and February or March. An annual written school report is also issued in the summer term. Parents are of course welcome to make an appointment to see the classroom teacher at other times throughout the year.
Parent Teacher Association
We have a strong Parent Teacher Association to which all parents automatically become members when they join the school. This enables parents and teachers to work together to provide social functions and fund-raising activities. The large amount of money raised by the PTA each year makes an invaluable contribution to the running of the school and the development of the outdoor play spaces.
Code of Conduct
The purpose of this Code of conduct is to support all parents, carers and visitors to our school. The Code states the conduct expected so that we can work together to ensure a safe and positive school environment for our children.