A message from the headteacher
We are a larger than average community school with a small school feel. We seek to provide a caring, supportive and nurturing environment where children feel happy and safe to learn and fulfil their potential. You will see from our very full newsletters that life at Buckingham Park is busy and full of opportunities for children to shine.
Our spacious school with its extensive grounds, is at the heart of our community and we work closely with families to help our children develop the essential skills for a happy and fulfilled life. As such, we have an expert inclusion team comprising of our Inclusion lead, Inclusion assistant, pupil counsellor and forest school Lead, as well as a School Led Tutor and highly trained LSAs throughout the school. We listen to children and their experiences to help shape our future
Most importantly, our school values empathy, perseverance, independence, collaboration and creativity, and our Buckingham B’s of ‘be kind, be safe and be our best’, are at the heart of everything we do.
Buckingham Park pupils are happy and cared for and there is a strong culture of respect. Helping children to develop into happy, responsible citizens, who are able to make a positive contribution to our world, is at the heart of our work. We actively listen to the voices of parents and children, and we actively promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of each individual. Another fundamental is the importance of ensuring that our children are physically, mentally and emotionally healthy, and to that end, we have a strong focus on wellbeing for the whole of the Buckingham Park community.
We recognise that it is imperative that we develop pupils' spoken language so that they can express, clarify and justify their ideas, articulate their learning, and ask questions as well as work confidently with their peers. As a result, our curriculum allows all of our pupils to achieve success and make progress, stretching the high prior attainers and supporting pupils who have barriers to learning.
We ensure that learning is structured and carefully sequenced, and links are made within and between subjects to enable a deeper understanding and embedding of what we want our children to know and be able to do. Building on prior knowledge, optimising cognitive load and working collaboratively are the key features of our approach to curriculum delivery, enabling our learners to achieve the highest possible standards.
We set high standards in all that we do, and strongly believe in the importance of the core skills of reading, writing and mathematics, as well as a broad and balanced curriculum. We give high priority to a wide range of subjects. Throughout children’s time at Buckingham Park, we provide high quality learning opportunities to increase children’s knowledge, skills, experience and understanding. We aim to create a climate for growth in which pupils can discover their strengths, talents and love for learning. Our expert members of staff deliver a broad and balanced curriculum centred on a rich diet of learning experiences. This is underpinned by our vision of Learning together, Learning for Life.
Mrs Kim Brown