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Join In

This section is all about how you can join in and be part of our community. Buckingham Park Primary School is very much an active community. Pupils, parents/carers and staff at school are all important ‘stakeholders’ and we want everyone to have their say, to express their ideas and to keep on making our learning community a great place to be. We listen and respond to what our pupils tell us – they play an important part in the decision-making process.  Pupils express themselves informally such as in class ‘circle time’ sessions and in general conversations with the head teacher at lunchtimes and more formally in assemblies and via the Class Council and School Council.

Similarly, parents’/carers’ questions, comments and views are important to us. We will try our best to speak with you at the start or end of the school day; parents can use the online 'Parent View' to let us know how well we are doing. We also ask for your views, via questionnaires and surveys, about different aspects of the school. 

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