Our School Day
School Hours
The school day runs from 8.45 am - 3.15pm . This meets the expectation that state-funded mainstream schools should deliver a school week of at least 32.5 hours .
Breakfast Club
Breakfast club starts at 7.45 am and takes place in our breakfast room. Children are dropped off at main school office from 7.45 am onwards. A healthy breakfast is provided for children. The cost of the sessions is kept as low as possible at £4.00 per day, however please note that places need to be booked in advance. Please contact the office to collect the booking form.
Start of the School Day
Children are able to come straight into the classroom from 8.40 am. Classroom doors close at 8.45 a.m so that the register can be taken. Teachers are available at this time for a very brief word from parents if there is a message they need to pass on about their child. This helps to build relationships between home and school – good links with parents are vital. If a lengthier discussion is required, you are welcome to talk to the teacher at the end of the day or to contact the office to make an appointment to meet the teacher at another time.
On various days of the week parents and/or grandparents are invited in to stay and read or play games with their child until 9.10 am. This has proved to be very successful initiative which is enjoyed by parents, grandparents and children.
For Reception children, parents are invited to accompany their child into the classroom for the first half term; assisting them with hanging up their coats and helping them to settle with an activity. Further into the term, the children are encouraged to be more independent so that, by the end of the year, they are happy settling themselves at school.
Morning Break time
Children in Reception have free flow access to the outdoor learning environment throughout the day from 9.30 am so they do not have a specific break time.
Children in Key stage 1 have a 15 minute break from 10-30 a.m -10.45 a.m and breaktime for Key Stage 2 pupils is 10.50 a.m to 11.05 a.m
Lunch time
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2:
Our youngest children go to lunch at 11.45 am in the studio before playing outside once they have finished eating. Y1 children have lunch in the school hall at 11.45 am. Y2 children have lunch at 12 noon in the hall.
Children who have packed lunches eat their lunch with the children who eat hot meals.
All pupils in YR, Y1 and Y2 are entitled to free school meals.
Years 3 to 6:
Children who eat packed lunches eat in their classrooms at 12.15
Children who eat hot school meals are taken to the school hall to eat their lunch.
Children may bring a packed lunch from home or have a hot school meal provided by Chartwells www.mealselector.co.uk. The school has a kitchen which steam heats Chartwell's healthy meals. These must be ordered in advance and are paid for online. Please check Chartwell's website for details.
Free school meals are provided for all those children who are eligible.
We now receive additional funding for children who claim their free school meals, whether or not they actually take up the offer. This additional funding is called Pupil Premium and we are required to spend it in the best way possible to ensure that those eligible are given extra assistance in school. It is therefore really important that as many eligible children as possible claim. The office staff can answer any questions you may have about this, in confidence.
When planning your child's packed lunch, please minimise the packaging by using reusable boxes. All rubbish will be sent home in your child's lunchbox along with anything that is uneaten.
Further information about lunchtime can be found on the 'meals' page.
The end of the day
The school day finishes for all children at 3.15pm. Children in Reception, Years 1 and 2 are collected from their classrooms.
Years 3 and 4 are collected from outside their classrooms.
Childen in Y5 and Y6 are collected from the front of the school or walk home by themselves with permission from their parents.
After School Clubs
Our teachers as well as some outside providers run a fantastic variety of extra-curricular clubs for Years 1 to 6, which change from term to term. The list is circulated at the end of the previous term and forms should be submitted to the office as soon as possible. There is a charge of £1 per week for clubs run by teachers and differing prices for clubs run by external organisations.
Collection after clubs: children must be collected at 4 pm from the first doorway in the playground, unless otherwise specified.
Child Care
After school childcare is provided from 3.15 pm until 5.30pm by the Child Care Club
Travelling to School
We would love everyone to travel to school under their own steam – be that on foot, by scooter or by bicycle. It is healthy, keeps pollution down and the roads safer by reducing traffic outside the school gates. Please make sure that your child wears a helmet if they are riding to school. Bike and scooter racks are available near the front entrance.
We appreciate that it is not possible for everyone to walk to school and that some parents and carers need to drive their children to school. Please park wisely and with consideration to our neighbours. Please also park legally: the zig zag lines are there to protect the children.